We want our Children's Home to produce as much food as is cost effective, so we're always ready to try a new project and see what we can make ourselves. Now that we have cows we're milking everyday, we're starting to experiment with making our own cheese. We want to show you the process of when we made some of our first mozzarella. This is Jason working with our young friend Noah who was visiting. When Noah heard we were going to make our own cheese, he started learning how and his family helped get us some of the cheese making supplies we needed (thank you!). Our recipe is from the Home Cheese Making book, called 30-minute mozzarella.
Next you remove the curds from the whey (or in other words, remove your lumps of cheese from the liquid) and put it in a microwavable bowl.
So, as you can see, it's definitely a process to make mozzarella, but I'm sure once we practice more it will totally be worth it. We've learned that once you take the mystery out of home food production, and you practice your recipe a few times, it's really not as complicated as you'd think.
Our idea is to make this cheese about once a month. We'll also make a yogurt cheese (like cream cheese) and a typical Honduran cheese called cuajada on a weekly basis. Between these cheeses, and maybe a few other experiments along the way, we can produce almost all of our own cheese. Anyone for homemade pizza??
December 2021